One interesting recent phenomenon is that movie trailers on the internet are starting to have short 3 second trailers before the main trailer. It’s like whetting the appetite before you whet the appetite for the upcoming movie. Just check out the new trailer for the upcoming Jack Reacher sequel:
Maybe people’s attention spans are so short these days that you need to show highlights of the highlights to keep them interested? For me, I like it since it gives the video streaming software some time to figure out the best bit-rate, so that when the actual trailer starts, it is running at the best possible resolution.
And just one more anecdote. Not too long ago, trailers almost always had a voice over and more often that not, that voice over was done by Don LaFontaine. It was part of the movie trailer art form, but when Don LaFontaine passed away in 2008, you almost never hear that deep voice anymore.